To mark World AIDS Day on December 1, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) produced two videos on methamphetamine use and HIV featuring ISPH Investigator and CUNY SPH Professor Christian Grov and University of Miami Professor Adam Carrico.
In the first video, Grov and Carrico discuss their NIDA-supported research on preventing and treating HIV among sexual minority men who use meth. Sarit Golub, ISPH Investigator and Professor of psychology at Hunter College and the CUNY Graduate Center, and people with lived experience at the intersection of substance use and HIV also share their insights on the ways stigma and other factors can impact access to HIV services.
In a second video for health care professionals, Grov and Carrico share insights from their NIH-supported research on caring for sexual minority men who use meth. Dr. Golub discusses ways that health care practitioners can open the conversation with people who use meth without instilling fear and shame.
The videos are hosted by HIV advocate and artist Ken Williams and are part of the NIDA series At the Intersection: Stories of Research, Compassion, and HIV Services for People who Use Drugs. Learn more about research at the intersection of methamphetamine use and HIV—and about the atmosphere of health care available to gay and bisexual men here.