Chloe Mirzayi

ISPH Investigator

[email protected]

PhD, Epidemiology
CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy

Chloe is an Investigator the ISPH. She has experience designing, implementing, and maintaining data collection, management, and curation tools on a variety of projects ranging from large national cohort studies to RCTs in topics related to COVID-19, microbiome, HIV, drug and alcohol use, and sexual health. Her own research interests are focused on the role of the microbiome on human health, causal inference in microbiome research, and the effect of public opinion and social media on public health.

Chloe recently received her PhD in Epidemiology at the CUNY School of Public Health & Health Policy. Her mentor and dissertation committee chair was ISPH Investigator Levi Waldron.
