Surabhi Yadav, MPH

Research Associate

Surabhi Yadav is a Research Associate at the ISPH. Before joining ISPH, Surabhi worked as a Junior Research Scientist/ Data Manager on the NIH-funded Nurse Community-Family Partnership RADx-UP Program project. In this position, she employed comprehensive biostatistical and epidemiologic analyses to evaluate the model’s effectiveness in promoting COVID-19 testing and control measures uptake. She developed data collection tools and analytical methods to identify populations disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on improving health outcomes through a health equity lens.

Her previous experience extends to the Boricua Youth Study at New York State Psychiatric Institute (NYSPI) and the Urban Epidemiology Lab at NYU, where she contributed to various public health projects. Her experience includes in-depth work with longitudinal survey data, complex surveys, observational data analysis, and systematic reviews. She also researched the direct and indirect economic burden of mental health disorders associated with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and the symptoms of depression and anxiety among essential workers with chronic medical conditions during COVID-19. Her research interests lie at the intersection of mental health and infectious diseases, health disparities, and population health.

Surabhi earned her MPH in Epidemiology from the New York University School of Global Public Health and her Bachelor of Dental Surgery from India. She will pursue her PhD in Epidemiology at the CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics.
