Madhura Rane

Research Scientist

[email protected]

PhD, Epidemiology, University of Washington

ScM, Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

MS, Virology, National Institute of Virology

BS, Microbiology, University of Mumbai

Madhura is a Research Scientist at ISPH engaged in the epidemiology and transmission of vaccine-preventable diseases and application of statistical methods to evaluate health interventions at the population level. She has training in infectious disease epidemiology and her research interests include fine-scale spatio-temporal dynamics of infectious diseases and novel disease surveillance methods.

Madhura completed her PhD in Epidemiology at the University of Washington where her work focused on understanding the role of the acellular pertussis vaccine in resurgence and persistence of pertussis in areas of high vaccination coverage. After completing her postdoctoral studies at the CUNY ISPH, she worked as a wastewater epidemiologist at the California Department of Public Health where she developed models to understand the relationship between virus concentration in wastewater and cases and evaluated the potential of wastewater to be an early warning indicator for upcoming epidemic surges.
