Cross-cohort gut microbiome associations with immune checkpoint inhibitor response in advanced melanoma.

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Citation: Lee KA, Thomas AM, Bolte LA, Björk JR, de Ruijter LK, Armanini F, Asnicar F, Blanco-Miguez A, Board R, Calbet-Llopart N, Derosa L, Dhomen N, Brooks K, Harland M, Harries M, Leeming ER, Lorigan P, Manghi P, Marais R, Newton-Bishop J, Nezi L, Pinto F, Potrony M, Puig S, Serra-Bellver P, Shaw HM, Tamburini S, Valpione S, Vijay A, Waldron L, Zitvogel L, Zolfo M, de Vries EGE, Nathan P, Fehrmann RSN, Bataille V, Hospers GAP, Spector TD, Weersma RK, Segata N. Cross-cohort gut microbiome associations with immune checkpoint inhibitor response in advanced melanoma. Nat Med. 2022 Feb 28. doi: 10.1038/s41591-022-01695-5. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35228751.
