COVID-19 associated changes in HIV service delivery over time in Central Africa: Results from facility surveys during the first and second waves of the pandemic.

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Citation: Rogers A, Brazier E, Dzudie A, Adedimeji A, Yotebieng M, Muhoza B, Twizere C, Lelo P, Nsonde D, Mafoua A, Munyaneza A, Gateretse P, Diafouka M, Murenzi G, Niyongabo T, Anastos K, Nash D. COVID-19 associated changes in HIV service delivery over time in Central Africa: Results from facility surveys during the first and second waves of the pandemic. PLoS One. 2022 Nov 30;17(11):e0275429. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0275429. PMID: 36449454.
