Preparing for Implementation of Sustained Release Antiretrovirals for HIV Prevention

The proposed project is based on the premise that identifying key structural, behavioral, and social dynamics of long acting injectable (LAI) PrEP products and programs can make a significant impact on the future success of the prevention strategy and the speed with which an effective product is rolled out to the highest risk populations. The project takes a multi-modal approach to identifying relevant healthcare system delivery factors, provider dynamics, and patient preferences that might impact long-acting ARV intervention delivery, including gathering data from three sources: a) patients participating in Phase II and Phase III LAI PrEP trials; b) patients and providers participating in an demonstration-implementation project for oral PrEP; and c) participants and providers from a population most likely to be targeted for LAI PrEP — young men who have sex with men (YMSM) of color at highest risk for HIV infection. By triangulating data from these three sources, this project will provide vital information to guide both demonstration projects and broader-scale implementation efforts.

Project Investigators