The major goals of the New York City-based HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies include the fostering of multidisciplinary research that will advance the implementation of the US National HIV/AIDS Strategy – to prevent new infections, improve health outcomes for people living with HIV, and reduce health disparities. Dr. Nash co-directs the Implementation Science Health Outcomes Core of the Center.
Project Investigators
Denis Nash CUNY PI
ISPH Executive Director
Distinguished Professor of Epidemiology
Abigail Baim-Lance
ISPH Investigator
Related Publications
Changing Trends in Substance Use and Sexual Risk Disparities among Sexual Minority Women as a Function of Sexual Identity, Behavior, and Attraction: Findings from the National Survey of Family Growth, 2002-2015.
May 2019 | Archives of Sexual Behavior
Announcing the availability of oral HIV self-test kits via text message to increase HIV testing among hard-to-reach truckers in Kenya: A randomized controlled trial.
January 2019 | BMC Public Health
A Randomized Controlled Trial to Increase HIV Testing Demand Among Female Sex Workers in Kenya Through Announcing the Availability of HIV Self-testing Via Text Message.
January 2019 | AIDS and Behavior
Stated and revealed preferences for HIV testing: Can oral self-testing help to increase uptake amongst truck drivers in Kenya?
November 2018 | BMC Public Health
Barriers and Facilitators to Oral PrEP Use Among Transgender Women in New York City.
November 2018 | AIDS and Behavior
HIV Care and Viral Load Suppression After Sexual Health Clinic Visits by Out-of-Care HIV-Positive Persons.
October 2018 | AIDS Patient Care and STDS
Social Support and Violence-prone Relationships as Predictors of Disclosure of HIV Status Among Newly Diagnosed HIV-positive South Africans.
October 2018 | AIDS and Behavior
Psychosocial characteristics of primary care-seeking long-distance truck drivers in Kenya and associations with HIV testing.
July 2018 | African Journal of AIDS Research
Gaps along the HIV care continuum: Findings among a population seeking sexual health care services in New York City.
March 2018 | Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
HIV-Related Stigma, Social Support, and Psychological Distress Among Individuals Initiating ART in Ethiopia.
February 2018 | AIDS and Behavior
Household decision-making power and the mental health and well-being of women initiating antiretroviral treatment in Oromia, Ethiopia.
February 2018 | AIDS Care
Offering self-administered oral HIV testing to truck drivers in Kenya to increase testing: A randomized controlled trial.
January 2018 | AIDS Care
HIV testing preferences among long distance truck drivers in Kenya: A discrete choice experiment.
January 2018 | AIDS Care
Brief Report: Stigma and HIV Care Continuum Outcomes Among Ethiopian Adults Initiating ART.
December 2017 | Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
Psychological distress, health and treatment-related factors among individuals initiating ART in Oromia, Ethiopia.
August 2017 | AIDS Care
Offering Self-administered Oral HIV Testing as a Choice to Truck Drivers in Kenya: Predictors of Uptake and Need for Guidance While Self-testing.
May 2017 | AIDS and Behavior
The relationship between higher social trust and lower late HIV diagnosis and mortality differs by race/ethnicity: Results from a state-level analysis.
April 2017 | Journal of the International AIDS Society
All-cause mortality in HIV-positive adults starting combination antiretroviral therapy: Correcting for loss to follow-up.
April 2017 | AIDS
Sexual and reproductive health risk behaviours among South African university students: Results from a representative campus-wide survey.
March 2017 | African Journal of AIDS Research
HIV prevention resources: Time to move toward affordability.
February 2017 | Lancet HIV
Outcomes of HIV-positive Patients Lost to Follow-up in African Treatment Programs.
January 2017 | Tropical Medicine & International Health
Characteristics of HIV-Infected Children at Enrollment into Care and at Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation in Central Africa.
January 2017 | PLoS One
Conceptualizing Care Continua: Lessons from HIV, Hepatitis C Virus, Tuberculosis and Implications for the Development of Improved Care and Prevention Continua.
January 2017 | Frontiers in Public Health
Comprehensiveness of HIV care provided at global HIV treatment sites in the IeDEA consortium: 2009 and 2014.
January 2017 | Journal of the International AIDS Society
Disclosure History Among Persons Initiating Antiretroviral Treatment at Six HIV Clinics in Oromia, Ethiopia, 2012-2013.
January 2017 | AIDS and Behavior
Early Sex Work Initiation and Violence against Female Sex Workers in Mombasa, Kenya.
December 2016 | Journal of Urban Health
Increase in CD4+ T-Cell Count at the Time of HIV Diagnosis and Antiretroviral Treatment Initiation Among Persons With HIV in New York City.
December 2016 | Journal of Infectious Diseases
Early sex work initiation and condom use among alcohol-using female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya: A cross-sectional analysis.
December 2016 | Sexually Transmitted Infections
Towards an integrated primary and secondary HIV prevention continuum for the United States: A cyclical process model.
November 2016 | Journal of the International AIDS Society
Immediate Blood Draw for CD4+ Cell Count Is Associated with Linkage to Care in Durban, South Africa: Findings from Pathways to Engagement in HIV Care.
October 2016 | PLoS One
Social Capital is Associated With Late HIV Diagnosis: An Ecological Analysis.
October 2016 | The Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
Using HIV Viral Load From Surveillance to Estimate the Timing of Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation.
October 2016 | Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
Mobile Phone Interventions for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health: A Systematic Review.
September 2016 | Pediatrics
Gender Differences and Psychosocial Factors Associated with Quality of Life Among ART Initiators in Oromia, Ethiopia.
August 2016 | AIDS and Behavior
Identifying Perceived Barriers along the HIV Care Continuum: Findings from Providers, Peer Educators, and Observations of Provider-Patient Interactions in Ethiopia.
July 2016 | Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care
Untangling the Relationship Between Antiretroviral Therapy Use and Incident Pregnancy: A Marginal Structural Model Analysis Using Data From 47,313 HIV -Positive Women in East Africa.
July 2016 | Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
Come as You Are: Improving Care Engagement and Viral Load Suppression Among HIV Care Coordination Clients with Lower Mental Health Functioning, Unstable Housing, and Hard Drug Use.
June 2016 | AIDS and Behavior
Measuring Physical Violence and Rape Against Somali Women Using the Neighborhood Method.
June 2016 | Violence Against Women
Can TasP Approaches Be Implemented in Correctional Settings?: A review of HIV testing and linkage to community HIV treatment programs.
May 2016 | Journal of Health Care for the Poor and UnderservedÂ
HIV Care and Treatment Beliefs among Patients Initiating Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) in Oromia, Ethiopia.
May 2016 | AIDS and Behavior
Factors associated with initiation of antiretroviral therapy in the advanced stages of HIV infection in six Ethiopian HIV clinics, 2012 to 2013.
April 2016 | Journal of the International AIDS Society
Implementation and Operational Research: Declining Tuberculosis Incidence Among People Receiving HIV Care and Treatment Services in East Africa, 2007-2012.
April 2016 | Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
The impact of an alcohol harm reduction intervention on interpersonal violence and engagement in sex work among female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya: Results from a randomized controlled trial.
April 2016 | Drug and Alcohol Dependence
Healthcare providers’ knowledge, attitudes and practices towards medical male circumcision and their understandings of its partial efficacy in HIV prevention: Qualitative research in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
January 2016 | International Journal of Nursing Studies
Hepatitis C Direct Acting Antiviral Therapies in a New York City HIV/AIDS Special Needs Plan: Uptake and Barriers.
December 2015 | AIDS Patient Care and STDs
Influence of Jail Incarceration and Homelessness Patterns on Engagement in HIV Care and HIV Viral Suppression among New York City Adults Living with HIV/AIDS.
November 2015 | PLoS One
What role does transactional sex play in the HIV/STI and reproductive health risk behaviour among high-tier entertainment centre workers in China?
August 2015 | Global Public Health
Failure of many United States Department of Health Web sites to provide accurate information about the female condom.
July 2015 | Contraception
Inconsistencies on U.S. Departments of Health Websites Regarding Anal Use of the Female Condom.
July 2015 | AIDS and Behavior
Promoting Female Condom Use Among Female University Students in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: Results of a Randomized Behavioral Trial.
July 2015 | AIDS and Behavior
Physical and sexual violence, childhood sexual abuse and HIV/STI risk behaviour among alcohol-using women engaged in sex work in Mongolia.
May 2015 | Glob Public Health
All-cause, drug-related, and HIV-related mortality risk by trajectories of jail incarceration and homelessness among adults in New York City.
February 2015 | American Journal of Epidemiology
Improvements in HIV care engagement and viral load suppression following enrollment in a comprehensive HIV care coordination program.
January 2015 | Clinical Infectious Diseases
Same-sex sexuality and psychiatric disorders in the second Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Study (NEMESIS-2).
December 2014 | LGBT Health
Predictors of index patient acceptance of expedited partner therapy for Chlamydia trachomatis infection and reasons for refusal, sexually transmitted disease clinics, New York City, 2011 to 2012.
November 2014 | Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Home HIV testing and counselling: Answers raising questions.
November 2014 | Lancet HIV
Advanced disease at enrollment in HIV care in four sub-Saharan African countries: change from 2006 to 2011 and multilevel predictors in 2011.
October 2014 | AIDS
Low risk of attrition among adults on antiretroviral therapy in the Rwandan national program: A retrospective cohort analysis of 6, 12, and 18 month outcomes.
August 2014 | BMC Public Health
Advanced HIV disease at entry into HIV care and initiation of antiretroviral therapy during 2006-2011: Findings from four sub-saharan African countries.
February 2014 | Clinical Infectious Diseases
Immunodeficiency at the start of combination antiretroviral therapy in low-, middle-, and high-income countries.
January 2014 | Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
Vulnerability to sexual violence and participation in sex work among high-end entertainment centre workers in Hunan Province, China.
November 2013 | Sexual Health
Medical male circumcision and HIV risk: Perceptions of women in a higher learning institution in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
May 2013 | Sexual Health
The problem of late ART initiation in Sub-Saharan Africa: A transient aspect of scale-up or a long-term phenomenon?
February 2013 | Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved
Exploring the venue’s role in risky sexual behavior among gay and bisexual men: An event-level analysis from a national online survey in the U.S.
February 2013 | Archives of Sexual Behavior
HIV/AIDS surveillance data for New York City West Indian-born Blacks: Comparisons with other immigrant and US-born groups.
November 2012 | American Journal of Public Health
Off-label use of the female condom for anal intercourse among men in New York City.
December 2011 | American Journal of Public Health
HIV/STI risk by migrant status among workers in an urban high-end entertainment centre in Eastern China.
April 2011 | Health Education Research
Sexual dysfunction in an Internet sample of U.S. men who have sex with men.
September 2010 | The Journal of Sexual Medicine
Anal use of the female condom: Does uncertainty justify provider inaction?
September 2009 | AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV
Adding the female condom to the public health agenda on prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections among men and women during anal intercourse.
June 2009 | American Journal of Public Health
HIV and sexually transmitted infection risk behaviors and beliefs among Black West Indian immigrants and US-born Blacks.
November 2008 | American Journal of Public Health