The Ending the Epidemic (ETE) Dashboard measures, tracks and disseminates actionable information on progress towards achieving New York State’s Ending the AIDS Epidemic Initiative’s goals. Detailed in the 2015 ETE Blueprint, the public facing ETE Dashboard enhances the use of data to track and report progress of the initiative to all stakeholders.
Dashboard users can explore data on 16 key metrics focused on HIV prevention, new infections, testing, new diagnoses and linkage, prevalence and care, and deaths among people living with HIV. By integrating these various data realms into a single platform, the ETE Dashboard provides stakeholders the opportunity to monitor progress on HIV-related outcomes and related policies and programs in New York State. Interactive features enable users to customize visualizations to view spatial and temporal trends at the region, county and neighborhood level, and further stratify the data by sex, age, race, ethnicity, or transmission risk group.
The ETE Dashboard was designed and developed by the ISPH, in collaboration with the New York State AIDS Institute, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and the Data Subcommittee of the New York State End of the Epidemic Task Force.